Our Mechoui comes with smoothies, meat sauces cooked with selected herbs, roasted or smoked vegetables, goat cheese and more organic accompaniments and side dishes to make your meal rich in calories, vitamins and minerals.

The Meat Needs

Meat Goes With…

A balanced meal should contains proteins, carbohydrates and fat, which provide energy. While the meat is known as rich in proteins and provides iron and is one of the main sources of vitamin B12, smoothies are rich in calcium, vitamins D3 & K which improve bone health.

The spices and herbs we cook with are good sources of antioxidants. In addition to topping a salad, roated or smooked meat, they contribute to color to please the eyes of our guests and to give a wonderful flavor. They’re also rich sources of valuable nutrients.

What We Offer


Organic Meat

Thanks to a lush green land in the region of Aghmat south of Marrakech the sheep and goats and other meat is fed organically and that is the meat we cook and serve for you.

Fresh Ingredients

Our herbs are grown in the nearby traditional farmS and supplied fresh to the “Mechoui Break”. We also grind our spices locally.

Authentic Cuisine

The Mechoui is part of a millennial heritage of authentic Moroccan cooking and we are dedicated to preserve, revive and cook it for our guests.

Creative accompaniments

Our Mechouis and cooking are accompanied by rich smoothies, yummy sauces, healthy herbal teas, great local goat cheese, and other accompaniments to make your meal a balanced one.

Tasty Meals

Good spices, slow cooking, the mud ovens and a creative Chef are key to our tasty food.  

Moroccan Coffee

We serve Moroccan spiced coffee. We. grind our coffee with healthy and energetic spices to make of your coffee a great one.


What People are Saying

“A Great Find”



“Fabulous food & flawless service”

. “


“Another successful experience”




