Mechoui Sauce

Mechoui Meat Sauce

Our Mechoui Meat Sauce selection include meat juices cooked with Moroccan fresh herbs and spices to serve with lamb, beef and other meat either roasted, steamed or grilled.

Oraganic Spices And Herbs for healthy life.


Morocco is known as one of the latgest world producers of herbs and medicinal plants. In our Mechoui Break, we cook our meat with freshly ground spices and wild organic herbs to prepare the best sauces for all sorts of our meat cookings: Mechoui, roasted, grilled or steamed…

The Moroccan Saffron is known for being of high quality and used for a marinade with meat, to make tea and to prepare delicious sauces.

Pure Argan oil as well as virgin olive oil is used in the Mechoui Break in the lamb and meat preparation. 

Ground Spices for Mechoui

Ground Spices

From Rass El Hanout, cinammon, nutmeg, cardamom, ginger, mace spice, desert cummin, and other precious Moroccan spices…

Pure Virgin Oil for Mechoui

Pure and Virgin

Pure Argan Moroccan Oil, Virgin olive oil and other oils are base for our cooking to make the best of the meat and mechoui sauces.

Fresh Herbs for Mechoui

Fresh Herbs

This include rosemary, thyme, basil, bayleaf, chervil, parsley and more. These fresh herbs we cook with provide wonderful flavor and health benefits.



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(+212) 661 52 41 55

Open Every Day

11AM – 10PM